CPMS 101
The Privacy Paradox
This was the essay assignment I most enjoyed in CPMS 101. It discussed a topic that I was completely unaware of yet was extremely applicable to my life. Through this assignment, I learned that the privacy paradox is used to describe how the actions we take regarding our digital privacy differ from the ideas we claim to hold. After completing this assignment, I realized I was guilty of saying that I was concerned about my digital privacy despite not taking the steps necessary to protect my information. This assignment motivated me to reflect and change my behavior.
Holocaust Memorial Reflection
The trip to the holocaust museum was one of the most moving experiences I've ever had. This assignment gave me the space to reflect and gather my thoughts about an event that is so emotional and tragic. I also had the opportunity to analyze how this trip could be applicable to topics we had discussed in class, such as propaganda and media manipulation. I know I'll be looking back on this experience and the insight I gained for years to come.
CPMS 225 Assignments:
Week 11- Media, Community, and Difference
The focus of week 11 was how media is used to amplify differences and create community. This assignment challenged me to think critically about a time when I saw the media stigmatize or stereotype. One of the first things that came to mind was a news program I watched about homelessness. I felt that this program had a very divisive and incomplete portrayal of the issue. However, it wasn't until this assignment that I realized the extent of how problematic this portrayal was. I appreciated having the chance to reflect on my media consumption and analyze how news media can amplify community differences.
Week 13 - Breaking gender and racial stereotypes: a critical analysis of a "woke" production
This activity's goal was to have us think critically about the media that we consider being socially relevant or "woke." For this project, my partner Morgan and I chose to examine how gender stereotypes are portrayed in one of my favorite films, Legally Blonde. Doing this project gave me a newfound appreciation for media that attempts to challenge the way that we view society. I realized why certain aspects of Legally Blonde resonated so profoundly with me as a woman and also discovered some of the film's shortcomings. This was an opportunity to put my media analysis skills to the test and see if I could impartially critique something that I enjoy. Additionally, I appreciated that this assignment allowed me to be creative and create a blog!
Create Your Own Website With Webador